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Creating a symbol from the circle art

By creating a symbol, you can add multiple occurrences of an object to your artwork. A symbol can be created from vector art and raster art that is embedded in an Illustrator fi le. In this lesson you will use a symbol to create artwork directly in Illustrator, which you will learn more about
in Lesson 8, “Working with Symbols.” You can also create movie clip symbols right in Adobe Illustrator CS4 that can be imported directly into Flash CS4.
1 Choose Window > Symbols or press the Symbols button ( ) in the dock to open the Symbols panel.
2 Using the Selection tool ( ), select the circle with the off set strokes on the artboard and drag it into the Symbols panel. When the circle is over the Symbols panel, release the mouse to drop the circle.
3 In the resulting Symbols Options dialog box, type circle into the Name text fi eld and select the Graphic radio button. Press OK. The circle is added to the Symbols panel.

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