Work Area Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop work area can be seen in the figure are:
Menu Bar, contains the main command to open the file, save,image resizing, filters and others.
Option, contains a selection of tools you choose. For example the selected brush / brush, the size / diameter of the brush here.
Images, displaying images that are being created or edited.
Pallete Well, a quick way to access the Brushes palette, tool resets and Layer Comps. It can also be used to put the pallets are frequently used.
Toolbox, contains tools for selecting and modifying images.
Palette, containing the small windows in which there were orders and options for the document / image that is being done.
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Menu Bar, contains the main command to open the file, save,image resizing, filters and others.
Option, contains a selection of tools you choose. For example the selected brush / brush, the size / diameter of the brush here.
Images, displaying images that are being created or edited.
Pallete Well, a quick way to access the Brushes palette, tool resets and Layer Comps. It can also be used to put the pallets are frequently used.
Toolbox, contains tools for selecting and modifying images.
Palette, containing the small windows in which there were orders and options for the document / image that is being done.
for STEP BY STEP GUIDE photoshop simple tutorial please visit.........
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