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The panel group

To remove the panel, click the tab and pull out of the panel group, then click the small circle at the top left corner of the panel to close it.
if we want to open it again, simply select it from the Windows menu.

We can add panels to the group by dragging the panel into the panel group, hold and wait until we see a blue line around in the box group,
before we release the mouse button us.
For example if we are using the Brushes panel, we can draw into the panel group box.

We also can remove the panel when we do not use Photoshop to more spacious work area space.
For example, we never use the Styles panel, we can pull out of the panel and close it.

If we want to reset the size of the panels in a group, we just pull the tab to the left or right.

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  • for STEP BY STEP GUIDE photoshop simple tutorial please visit.........


  • www.photoshop-simple-tutorial.com

  • 1 komentar untuk "The panel group"

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