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Photoshop's rulers

By using the position of objects on the canvas correctly can make the difference between novice and expert design of the design.
The quickest way to position and align the object is to draw a straight line as a reference for placing objects.
We can easily do that using Photoshop nonprinting guides vertical and horizontal lines- and we can put it anywhere as we want.

Before we make the guides, we need to turn on Photoshop's rulers.
A quick way to do this is by pressing Ctrl + R on a PC, but we also can activate by selecting View> Rulers or choose Rulers of the Extras pop-up menu in the Application bar.
Rulers will appear at the top and left of the screen windows.

These rulers units can be set using the Units & Rulers preferences.
Once we turn on the rulers on, we can add the guide by clicking on either the horizontal or vertical ruler, and then dragging it into the document.

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