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Using channels to change color to grayscale

Sometimes it’s possible to improve the quality of an image by blending two or more color channels. For instance, one channel in an image may look particularly strong but would look even better if you could add some detail from another channel. In Photoshop, you can blend color channels with the Channel Mixer command in either RGB mode (for on-screen display) or CMYK mode (for printing). For more information on color modes, see Lesson 17, “Setting Up Your Monitor for Color Management.”
In this lesson, you’ll use the Channel Mixer command to improve the quality of an RGB image that you’ll then convert to grayscale mode. But first, you’ll use the Channels palette to view the different channels in the image.
1 Choose Window > Channels (or click the Channels tab) and drag the palette from group that also contains the Layers and Paths palettes. Place the Channels palette on your screen where you can easily access it.
Because the image is in RGB mode, the Channels palette displays the image’s red, green, and blue channels. Notice that all the color channels are currently visible, including the RGB channel, which is a composite of the separate red, green, and blue channels. To see the individual channels, you can use the palette’s eye icons.

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