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Illustration is the result pendeformasian factual form, which always invites a sense of sympathetic characteristics, attracting the attention even funny. Then its presence is an effective way to communicate is the result pendeformasian Photo illustration factual form, the characteristics, always with the reader and in demand. The main function is illustrated as an attraction to arouse attention and stimulate interest in the audience to read the messages that
delivered in full. So the use of illustrations is vital as a means of effective communication, because the absolute is understood by all segments of society and age level.

Given the effectiveness of the illustration is expected to attract attention and stimulate interest in reading the impression conveyed in the story / news. In other words, its presence is expected to explain the competition in
reader's attention among a series of other posts in the same medium.

Illustrations created by an illustrator can be described as follows:

illustration of the line
This illustration can be characterized by looking at the goresangoresan a line such as that made ​​use pen (straight lines, curved lines, broken lines, the line of vibration, and so on). To produce the printed matter, used to shoot without the cliche lines in the raster image reproduction. Illustration of this can we meet the picture story books, novels, newspapers, and so forth.

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