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Ellipse tools Illustrator

Use the Ellipse tool, click once on the artboard. Ellipse dialog box appears.
Type the number into the width of the text, then click on the altitude. If you have been in accordance with that we enter into the text width.
Press OK.

We can use the same method to other forms.
Another form of hidden tools panel, can be viewed by pressing, click and hold the Ellipse tools
Select the Star tool and click once on an empty area of ​​artboard. Star dialog box appears.
Set Radius Star, then type the number in the Points text field.
Press OK.
Enter the value of a star.
press OK.

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  • for STEP BY STEP GUIDE illustrator simple tutorial please visit.........


  • www.illustrator-simple-tutorial.com

  • 1 komentar untuk "Ellipse tools Illustrator"

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      Cukup dengan SMS ke 081916200296 dan Email ke arusha.st@gmail.com, desain yang anda butuhkan sudah sesuai keinginan anda.
